In the Garden, of the Garden

Want A Plant Nursery At Your Home? 3 Tips To Help You

Having a plant nursery allows you to grow plants and then plant them in your garden or you could sell what you grow. There are steps you must take to get everything set up correctly. Below are some tips about this so you can start growing your plants.

Get A License

If you are planning to sell your plants, you may need to get a business license from your state. Contact someone at your local state's office to determine the type of license you need. You may also need a resale license depending on the state you live in. You may also need another certificate or license to operate your plant nursery. 

Being licensed can help you save money. For example, having a business license allows you to purchase your plants and the supplies you need from wholesale companies. These companies sell the things you need at a much better price.  

Determine What Plants You Want

Visit nurseries in your area to determine what plants they are selling. You need to purchase plants that grow native in your area as these will grow best. For example, there are plants that grow well in hot climates and others that grow much better in colder climates. There are hardiness zone maps you can find to determine the growing zone you are in. 

Determine if you want to sell vegetables, flowers, or both. What you sell will determine when you need to start planting. For example, if you want vegetables, they should be ready to sell during the summer season. If you plan to sell flowers, you may need to have flowers ready for Mother's Day or another holiday. 

Set up the Nursery

You need to have space for your nursery, which may be a room in your home, a shed outside, a garage, etc. One thing that works great for plant nurseries is a greenhouse. If you have the space and the money you should have one installed in your backyard. There are smaller greenhouses that are less expensive and easy to set up. 

Purchase the soil you need, the pots to plant the plants in, and the seeds or established plants to grow. You could use inexpensive pots or purchase pots specifically made for nursery plants if it is in your budget. If setting up the nursery outside, make sure there is a water source nearby to make things easier for you.

Hire a professional to help you set up your plant nursery if you do not have experience doing this. 
